Call for Paper: Research Network 31 – Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism at the ESA Conference 2019

Please find below the link to submit abstracts for the upcoming ESA conference 2019 in Manchester, taking place 20-23 August 2019.

Please find below the CfP for our Research Network 31, as well as the call for the joint session with Research Network 21.

Looking forward seeing you in Manchester!
RN31 – Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism

Karin Stoegner, University of Vienna, Austria
Kim Robin Stoller, Free University, Berlin, Germany

The ESA RN31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism invites submissions of papers for the 14th ESA Conference in Manchester 2019. We will hold sessions that focus on theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of research on antisemitism and racism, also in a comparative framework. The network’s perspective is to bridge an exclusive divide between the understanding of antisemitism and of racism, exploring the correspondences and affinities, but also the differences and contrasts. Our over-arching question is to understand what are the material conditions and the social, political and historical contexts shaping variations in antisemitism and racism, across time and across different European and global contexts.

In particular, we will focus on the role of antisemitism and racism in current threats to democracy and democratic values in Europe and beyond. Specific questions might include:

How can we explain the relationship between authoritarian populism, right-wing extremism and Islamism, three of the main vectors for antisemitic, racist and xenophobic narratives in Europe today?

What are the gender politics of these formations?

We are also interested in submissions exploring philo- as well as antisemitism, and ostensibly liberal and critical forms of racism, nationalism and intolerance. For example, how does Israel figure in both antisemitic and philosemitic discourses of the Jewish other?

As always, we welcome papers that highlight neglected forms of racism and racialisation (including anti-Roma discrimination or “anti-Gypsyism”) and papers that explore the intersection of different racisms or of racisms with other axes of difference and power. We particularly welcome papers that offer a comparative framing (e.g. cross-nationally or from the perspective of different European regions), papers that offer a multi- or inter-disciplinary framing (e.g. drawing on history), and papers that offer theoretical and methodological innovation in studying our questions.

JS_RN21_RN31: The challenge of measuring antisemitism (Joint session with RN21 Quantitative Methods and RN31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism)

Wolfgang Aschauer, University of Salzburg, Austria
Karin Stoegner, University of Vienna, Austria

Europe-wide data on antisemitism is yet not able to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation, because different definitions, conceptions or indicators only give glimpses of contemporary antisemitism. It is thus the goal of this joint session to discuss strategies and approaches in quantitative methodology that might further the measurement of antisemitism. The session is a chance to search for innovative approaches which aim for a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature and origins of renewed antisemitic manifestations.